Practical assay methods for predicting germination loss of barley
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre, Brandon, Manitoba
* Dr. Wayne Buckley, Dr. Marta Izydorczyk, Dr. Bill Legge
Increasing A-type starch granules in barley to improve malting quality
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
* Dr. Ravi Chibbar, Dr. Monica Baga, Dr. Brian Rossnagel
Identification and detailed characterization of foam- and haze-forming barley proteins using the recently developed chromatographic and MALDI-TOF techniques
GRL – Canadian Grain Commission / University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
* Dr. Marta Izydorczyk, Dr. Ken Preston, Dr. W. Ens, Dr. Eric Lefol, Dr. Bryan Harvey
Development of novel screening methods for seed dormancy in barley
Field Crop Development Centre, AAFRD, Lacombe, Alberta
* Dr. Jennifer Zantinge, Dr. Joseph Nyachiro, Dr. Jim Helm, Dr. Pat Juskiw, Dr. Don Salmon