

Research is the engine that drives Canada’s success in malting barley development. BMBRI awards grants to innovative research projects and helps establish research priorities for malting and brewing improvements.

Grants Support Innovative Research

Premium malt barley varieties for Canada are the ultimate goal of BMBRI research grants. They are awarded annually to research projects that support the variety development process and reflect the priorities of the brewing and malting industry. BMBRI research priorities are outlined in BMBRI Strategic Goals and Targets for Malting Barley Breeding and Research.

Knowledge-Sharing Strengthens Research Priorities

BMBRI provides information to barley breeders, other researchers, and producers about malting barley quality traits that are important to the malting and brewing industry. This effort includes producing a list of Malting Barley Quality Guidelines, which represents the quality traits of particular importance to the member companies of BMBRI. This list serves as a reference for both malting barley breeders and for researchers working in areas intended to expand the understanding of malting barley quality traits and to ultimately support breeding efforts.

The knowledge-sharing role of BMBRI also includes sponsoring seminars to encourage the flow of information between the farming, research and industry communities.