BMBRI Research Grant
The Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute (BMBRI) represents nine leading North American malting and brewing companies. The BMBRI provides research grants for projects related to the improvement of malting barley varieties and their performance. Recently, the Board of Directors of the BMBRI made its funding decisions for the 2008-2009 fiscal year. The BMBRI recognizes the importance of continued support to the scientific community for further work in both basic and applied research that will lead to new developments in malting barley breeding. To demonstrate its support for barley research, the BMBRI has increased the amount of funding it is providing in the new fiscal year starting April 1st, 2008. This allows the organization to provide funding opportunities to a greater number of projects than have been supported in recent years. For additional information regarding the grants that have been funded, please visit the organization’s web site at and click on ‘Research Funding.’
Michael Brophy , President and CEO
Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute
P.O. Box 1497, Station Main
Winnipeg , Manitoba R3C 2Z4
Ph: 204-927-1401