Protected: BMBRI Funded Research

Barley Cluster

DOWNLOADFernando – The population structure of Fusarium pathogens of small grain cereals_2023-24
DOWNLOADWang – Barley pathogen variations and implications for managing disease via host resistance_Barley cluster 2023-24
DOWNLOADKabeta – Enhancing the adaptation of western Canadian barley to climate change_Barley Cluster 2023-24
DOWNLOADBeattie – Improving the value and environmental impact of barley through breeding_Barley Cluster 2023-24
DOWNLOADBadea – Development of improved western Canadian barley robust to climate change_Barley Cluster 2023-24
DOWNLOADLiu – Improving barley sustainability through integrated genetic diversity, nitrogen, and PGR management_Barley Cluster 2023-24
DOWNLOADTurkington and Tucker – Disease resistance to address environmental issues, economics, and sector resiliency_Barley Cluster 2023-24

Barley Cluster

DOWNLOADBadea- Breeding malting and food barley cultivars for western Canada_Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADBeattie- Breeding 2R malt, feed and food- Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADBelzile – Crop SNP Low Cost Genotyping – Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADKhanal- Breeding barley for high yield and FHB resistance – Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADLi- Premature Yeast Fluccolation- Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADLi-Barley flavour – Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADMills and Tidemann – Influence of proceeding crop – Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADTucker – Barley germplasm with improved disease resistance – Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADTurkington – Barley Pathogen Variation- Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADTurkington – In crop managment of FHB – Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADTurkington- Phenotyping for Disease Barley Cluster 2022-23
DOWNLOADZijlstra – Barley in swine diets – Barley Cluster 2022-23

Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster

DOWNLOADBullock and Kutcher – FHB Risk Model 2022-23
DOWNLOADFernando and Wang- Population structure of FHB 2022-23

Barley Cluster

DOWNLOADBadea- Breeding malting and food barley cultivars for western Canada_Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADBeattie- Breeding 2R malt, feed and food- Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADBelzile – Crop SNP Low Cost Genotyping – Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADKhanal- Breeding barley for high yield and FHB resistance – Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADLi- Premature Yeast Fluccolation- Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADLi-Barley flavour – Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADMills and Tidemann – Influence of proceeding crop – Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADTucker – Barley germplasm with improved disease resistance – Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADTurkington – Barley Pathogen Variation- Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADTurkington – In crop managment of FHB – Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADTurkington- Phenotyping for Disease Barley Cluster 2021-22
DOWNLOADZijlstra – Barley in swine diets – Barley Cluster 2021-22

Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster

DOWNLOADBullock and Kutcher – FHB Risk Model 2021-22
DOWNLOADFernando and Wang- Population structure of FHB 2021-22

Barley Cluster

DOWNLOADBeattie – Breeding 2R Malt, Feed and Food- Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADBadea- Breeding Malt and Food for Western Canada – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADKhanal – Breeding Barley for High Yield and FHB Resistance – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADTurkington – Phenotyping for Disease – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADBelzile – CropSNP Low Cost Gentying – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADTurkington- Barley Pathogen Variation and Surveillance – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADTucker – Barley Gremplasm with Improved Resistance to Disease – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADLi – Premature Yeast Flocculation – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADLi – Appendix A
DOWNLOADLi – Appendix B
DOWNLOADLi – Appendix A
DOWNLOADLi – Appendix B
DOWNLOADLi – Appendix C
DOWNLOADLi- Barley Flavour – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADZijlstra – Barley in Swine Diets – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADTurkington – In Crop Mgt of FHB – Barley Cluster 2020-21
DOWNLOADMillsTidemann – Influence of Proceeding Crop – Barley Cluster 2020-21

Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster

DOWNLOADBullock and Kutcher FHB Risk Model 2020-21
DOWNLOADFernando Population Structure of FHB 2020-21
DOWNLOADSmith Cropping Systems 2020-21

Barley Cluster

DOWNLOADA2 Beattie – Breeding 2R Malt, Feed and Food – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA3 Badea – Breeding Malt and Food – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA4 Khanal – Breeding for Eastern Canada – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA4 Bullock and Kutcher – FHB Risk Model – ICAC 2019-20
DOWNLOADA5 Turkington and Xi – Phenotyping for Disease – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA6 Belzile – Genotyping Barley – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA7 Turkington and Xi – Barley Pathogens – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA8 Tucker – Germplasm Resistance to Biotic Stress – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA9 Li – Premature Yeast Flocculation – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA9 Li- Appendix A PYF Project
DOWNLOADA10 Li – Beer Flavour – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA10 Li- Appendix A Flavour Project – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA10 Li- Appendix B Flavor Project – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA11 Zilstra – Barley in Swine Diets – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA12 Turkington – Mgt of FHB – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA12 Turkington Figures – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA13 Mills and Tideman – Influence of Previous Crop – Barley Cluster 2019-20
DOWNLOADA14 Barnes – Knowledge Transfer – Barley Cluster 2019-20

Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster

DOWNLOADSmith Cropping Systems
DOWNLOADBullock and Kutcher – FHB Risk Model
DOWNLOADFernando- Population Structure of FHB

BMBRI Funded Projects

DOWNLOADTurkington et al Thermoseed
DOWNLOADMahnoor Asif – BMBRI Scholarship Recipient
DOWNLOADEhsan Feizollahi- BMBRI Scholarship Recipient

Barley Cluster

DOWNLOADBadea – VarD Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADTurkington – Pathogen Variation and Surveillance Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADTurkington – FHB Mngt Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADTurkington – Phenotyping for Disease Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADLi – PYF Process Factors Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADTucker – Resistant to FHB Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADBeattie – VarD Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADMills – Crop Rotation and N Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADLi – Barley Variety Flavours Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADBelzile – CropSNP Barley Cluster 2018-19
DOWNLOADKhanal – VarD Barley Cluster 2018-19

Integrated Crop Agronomy Cluster

DOWNLOAD Bullock – Crop Sequence and FHB ICAC 2018-19
DOWNLOAD Smith – Crop Rotation and Diversity of Crops ICAC 2018-19

BMBRI Funded Projects

DOWNLOAD Capo-chichi – Improved Cold Tolerance Final Report 2018-19
DOWNLOAD El-mezawy – Mutation Breeding Final Report 2018-19
DOWNLOAD Singh – Targeting Beta-Glucan Final Report 2018-19

2015 Research Reports

Coming soon

2014 Grants Progress Reports

DOWNLOADBarley Cluster BMBRI Grant Projects Summary Update Reports
DOWNLOADReport 2014-15 MIzydorczyk
DOWNLOADBMBRI-progress report -Fernando-January 2015-Tucker_AB2
DOWNLOADCapo-chichi et al. – BIOR2014 052 rpt – BMBRI Second Year Progress Report – Barley LTT Project
DOWNLOADBMBRI Vidmar_Juskiw December 2013
DOWNLOADMalting Quality Use of Reverse and Forward Genetics for the Improvement of Barley

AIP Barley Cluster Committee Reports

DOWNLOADAIP Barley Progress Reports Q1 Q2 2014 (Actv 16-28)
DOWNLOADAIP Barley Progress Reports Q1 Q2 2014 (Actv 2-15)
DOWNLOADMalt Barley Meeting April 2015 Combined Talks V1

AIP Barley Cluster Committee Reports

DOWNLOADAAFC Annual Report Barley 2014
DOWNLOADAAFC Barley Core Report 13-14_Final
DOWNLOADCDC Annual Report Barley 2014
DOWNLOADWGRF Investment in Barley Variety Development

Development of novel screening methods for seed dormancy in barley
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre, Brandon, Manitoba
Dr. Jennifer Zantinge, Dr. Joseph Nyachiro, Dr. Jim Helm, Dr. Pat Juskiw, Dr. Don Salmon

DOWNLOADDevelopment of Novel Screening Methods for Seed Dormancy in Barley

Validation of molecular markers for scald resistance genes from Seebe and their relationship to malting quality
Field Crop Development Centre, Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development , Lacombe, Alberta
Jennifer Zantinge, Patricia Juskiw, Kequan Xi, Jim Helm

DOWNLOADScald resistance and malting quality relationships in Canadian two-row barley
DOWNLOADValidation of molecular markers for scald resistance in two-row barley

Effect of reduced phytate content on malting and brewing quality
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre, Brandon, Manitoba
William Legge, Michael Edney, Brian Rossnagel, Robert McCaig, Patricia Juskiw

DOWNLOADMalting and brewing of low phytate barley lines (2008 growing season)

Identification and detailed characterization of foam- and haze-forming barley proteins using the recently developed chromatographic
and MALDI-TOF techniques
GRL – Canadian Grain Commission / University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
* Dr. Marta Izydorczyk, Dr. Ken Preston, Dr. W. Ens

DOWNLOADIdentification and detailed characterization of foam- and haze-forming barley proteins using the recently developed chromatographic and MALDI-TOF techniques

Practical assay methods for predicting germination loss of barley
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre, Brandon, Manitoba
* Dr. Wayne Buckley, Dr. Marta Izydorczyk, Dr. Bill Legge

DOWNLOADPractical assay methods for predicting germination loss of barley

Molecular and biochemical characterization of genetic determinants of starch granule size in barley
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan
* *Dr. Ravi Chibbar
, Dr. Monica Båga

DOWNLOADMolecular and biochemical characterization of genetic determinants of starch granule size in barley

Determination of deoxynivalenol (DON) content of barley infected with Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) using portable near infra-red spectral (NIR) analyser
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre, Brandon, Manitoba
Mario Therrien*
, William Legge, James Tucker, Jennifer Fehr

DOWNLOADDetermination of deoxynivalenol (DON) content of barley infected with Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) using portable near infra-red spectral (NIR) analyser

Study of induced resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in barley using a detached leaf assay method
Field Crop Development Centre, Alberta Agriculture and Food, Lacombe, Alberta
Patricia Juskiw*
, Jennifer Zantinge, Kequan Xi

DOWNLOADStudy of induced resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in barley using a detached leaf assay method

Hull Adherence in Hulled Malting Barley: Genetic & Environmental Effects on Hull Retention in Malting Barley
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development; Field Crop Development Centre
P. Juskiw, J. Helm, L. Oatway

DOWNLOADHull Adherence in Hulled Malting Barley: Genetic & Environmental Effects on Hull Retention in Malting Barley

Molecular Markers for Resistance to Hull Peeling in Two-Row Malting Barley
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research Centre
W. Legge, B. Rossnagel, D. Somers

DOWNLOADMolecular Markers for Resistance to Hull Peeling in Two-Row Malting Barley (PDF)
DOWNLOADSupport Tables (Excel) 

Contact us

BMBRI welcomes comments, questions or suggestions at anytime. Contact the BMBRI office.