BMBRI Grant Funding 2024-25

The Brewing and Malting Barley Research Institute (BMBRI) approved research grant funding of up to $136,000 in 2024-25. BMBRI’s investment in research will help to ensure malting barley remains a competitive cropping option for farmers and delivers high quality grain to the end user.
BMBRI grant funding will support six projects of high importance to its members. Grant funding for 2024-25 is directed to barley diseases including Fusarium head blight and bacterial leaf streak, as well as a project to understand the role of mycorrhizae in disease resistance. Grants will also support research to explore the functional genomics of malt quality, barley agronomy, and a to understand the malt quality impacts of Fusarium species other than F. graminearum. Further details are available by contacting BMBRI.